Monday, May 4, 2009

Tigers and lions in dreams?

I know that it's best to interpret oneself s dreams when not in mental or emotional instability, but I would appreciate other points of view. I had a dream which took setting at my aunt's garage (which is quite big, open, but with a roof); it looked larger in my sleep. My aunt was breeding or taking care of tigers and lions in what looked like a small city canal of the width of a person in the upper part; the kind of canals made of concrete that have a lesser width at the bottom than at the top which are used to make way for the water when it rains only. I was half-present, half-observer in the canal and in there I witnessed many generations of lions, tigers, ligers, and tigons (the last two are a combination of first ones) being left there and taken, cubs and adults alike. They were not aggressive, I might even describe them as kind and gentle. I THINK there were less of them for each generation; I only remember that the last generation that I saw were two tigons. What do you think?

Tigers and lions in dreams?
I'm not sure what the big cats symbolize, but maybe you want to help the big cat population by protecting them.
Reply:Tigers and lions tend to represent power and strength.

For example, maybe you were reviewing how you are trying to care for or improve your sense of empowerment in your life. Maybe you are trying different things to establish your boundaries in relationships so that you get hurt less often, or even hurt others less often.

Good luck, I hope this helps and best wishes in figuring out your dreams!
Reply:Awww.I love big cats!!!!!!!They are my favorite.

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