Thursday, November 19, 2009

Which animal can kill or hunt lions?

I've seen on animal planet many occasions where the lions kill all sorts of animals everyday. So I wonder which animal can kill a lion?? I pity those animals which lost their lives to those hungry lions but I've never seen any animal killing a lion or even hunt a lion. Even tigers %26amp; cheetahs are afraid of the beast. Why?

Which animal can kill or hunt lions?
No animal regularly hunts and eats lions, however crocodiles have killed and eaten a few. It isn't part of their normal diet but they are opportunistic feeders. Also an Egyptian cobra can make a lion very, very sick and even kill it. The snake is not hunting lions and does not eat lions but is a mean animal and if suprised would bite defensively. Killer bees can drive of a whole pride of lions. Hyenas hate lions but rarely get the opportunity to surround one and kill it. African Cape buffalo have killed lions. The despise lions with a hatred. Lions will kill and eat buffalo they have isolated from the group.

Some lions are smart enough for human beings to make them uneasy. They know our power all to well as some lions have been killed by humans and these same lions are very wary. This may help explain why the lions don't usually just charge the cameraman and attempt to eat him.
Reply:a King Cobra Can easily kill a lion

Henas are natural competetaors of lions and can kill them and lions can also be killed in the battle to kill the wild buffalow.

And dont forget Humans
Reply:Lions never attack a human filming a documentary as they are usually full at the time of filming. They hunt when hungry, and when necessary, not when they are resting.
Reply:humans top of the food chain
Reply:other lions, crocodiles, rhinos, elephants, a polar bear, but they dont live in africa. and why would you pity an animal who died to feed another animal and kept it alive.
Reply:guns don't kill lions, people kill lions

(so do bacteria, but they are not animals)
Reply:belive it or not hippos can kill almost about anything

they run super fast in short bursts of speed

hippos can kill a lion in one bite to the jaw
Reply:Lions are picked up by big eagle type birds when they are young which keeps the population dowm. They older ones are sometimes killed by being gored by a horned animal or by another younger nasty male liion.
Reply:I'd say that man has to be the largest threat to lions. It depends on wether you consider us to be an animal or not. Another killer of lions would have to be insects and small rodents. Their bites might contain diseases that would kill the lion.
Reply:other lions, elephants
Reply:Yup, man is the lions only enemy.

I suppose one could argue that parasites like ticks or mosquitoes hunt lions, but they would have a hard time killing one.
Reply:Man is possibly the animal that can kill or hunt lions.

About the people who don't get killed while on some filming for channels like NGC. I think that they do the filming very carefully. They spend months and years to shoot a 60 minute documentary. They study the moves of the animals and then film it accordingly. Probably they film it when the lion is full in the stomach and does not feel hungry enough to hunt ! or eat !
Reply:hyenas give them a run.
Reply:Man is the biggest killer of lions. After that, I'd say dog creatures (hyenas, etc) and then other big cats. The other big cats may not attack adult lions, but they certainly will steal the cubs if the opportunity presents itself.
Reply:Lions as strong as they appear can be killed by a variety of animals. A one-on-one with a rhinoceres, a hippo, a buffalo or an adult elephant can easily mean the death of the lion. However, in daily life danger for lions comes in the shape of venomous snakes - like the black mamba, a spitting cobra or even the vipers! I've seen documentaries showing lions being killed by snakes like these.

Tigers and lions have historically never shared a territority. Tigers are creatures of the jungle and they are far more shy than lions and not half as agressive as them.

Lions like all animals are scared of humans. We can call it neophobia - scared of things that are new. We see park rangers in the US telling us to chase the bears away - that's because to keep that fear of the humans. If they lose that fear they attack. That's why we've had man-eaters in the past (of course, that's partially an act of getting an easy meal as well). Also, the documentary makers are experts of the wildlife and know how to predict animal behaviour and they follow guidelines which help them not to threaten or challenge the animals and hence they are not attacked!
Reply:Lions can be mauled by elephants and rinos, and eaten by crocodiles.
Reply:Lions are hunted and killed by a great animal called HUMAN. Lions kill their prey for food ,they don't kill photographers provided they take proper care.
Reply:Elephants, hippos, rhinos, hyenas,crocodiles,water buffalo and packs of domestic dogs have all been known to kill lions,
Reply:a croc or a alligator can kill and eat a lion so can a bow or a anaconda hienas are known to kill lions as well
Reply:Humans with guns kill lions all the time. I remember Mufasa telling Simba that they were on the top of the food chain. The lion eats the antelope who feeds on grass but when the lions die their bodies feed the grass and the antelope eats the grass so we are all connected in the great circle of life. Thinguyanahinguyanamada...
Reply:as someone has no doubt put it, the only beast that is greater than a lion and therefore could hunt and kill it is M A N...
Reply:Man would be the most likely killer, other than that, virus and other bacteria could kill them too.
Reply:the lion can be killed by a group of hyenas or the wild dogs etc
Reply:Lions are lucky that the Grizzly bear doesn't exist in their natural habitat. In the 1800s, African lions were brought to California to fight the griz in pit fights (much like the Romans did) and it almost always ended in the lions death very quickly. Go Griz!
Reply:man is the most voracious killer of lions as well as every other creature on this planet

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