Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lions live in Prides, but all other felines are solitary creatures- why is this?

Sometimes domestic cats live in a group of two or three, but not often. Tigers rarely group together- same with cheatahs and leopards. Why are the lions the exception to this pattern?

Lions live in Prides, but all other felines are solitary creatures- why is this?
in the pride of lions, the females are the ones that do the hunting while the males wait to have dinner brought to them (just like a man to want the woman to do the cooking. lol). i think it's also for their own protection. lions if compared to cheetahs are much slower runners therefore may not be able to outrun any predators. keep in mind though that the lion doesn't have many natural preditors in their environment. the only real threat to them are humans.

i have 5 house cats and they love eachother....most of the time. they have a heirarchy among them and the oldest male is the dominate or king and the oldest female is the queen. they all pretty much get along with eachother, and they all know that i'm the head honcho too.
Reply:I always feel so bad for the mother cheetahs who lose so many cubs to starvation and predation. You would think they would "get it" and learn to pack up for survival. Millions of years of evolution hasn't brought them to this and now they, of all the wild cats, are the ones most likely to be extinct soon.
Reply:because of their habitat,physical abilities,and their mentality living in a pride greatly increases the survival rate of all.
Reply:This is not true. I raise Devon Rex cats. They are much happier in groups. If you seperate two with a door they will stay all day with their paws under the door trying to hold paws and cuddle each other.
Reply:because male lions are lazy and it is easier for the females to take down an animal in a group
Reply:Actually, I saw a documentary on PBS that chronicled a bunch of domestic cats that lived together in a barn in England. They started exhibiting lion-esque behaviors. For example, the males would kill the kittens that had been sired by other males, just like lions tend to do. It was sad but an interesting show.

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