Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ratio question!!!?

I have a placement test for high school on Sunday! My math teacher gave us some review sheets so that we remember things from other years. I haven't done ratios in a while, and I need help with this question:

There were 65 lions and tigers in a zoo. The ratio of lions to tigers was 3:10. How many of each were there?




Ratio question!!!?
The ratio is 3:10, meaning there are 3 lions for every 10 tigers.

As 5*13=65

lions: 3*5 = 15

tigers: 10*5 = 50
Reply:first sum the digits of the ratios (3 +10)=13

divide 13 in 65 (65/13)=5

Then for the lions 5x3=15

then for the tigers 5x10=50

then your answears are 15lions and 50tigers


You add 10 and 3 and you get 13.

You then divide 65 into 13 and get 5.

You then multiply 3 by 5 to get the number of lions. (15)

You then multiply 10 by five to get the number of tigers. (50)

Hope that helped!


Reply:Total lions plus tigers = 65

L = number of lions

L / 65 = number of lions compared to total animals

(65 - x) / 65 = number of tigers

In the ration of 3:10, the 3 refers to lions, the 10 to tigers.

3/13 = lions out of total

3/13 = L / 65

13L = 3 x 65

13L = 195

L = 195 / 13 = 15 lions

T= 65 - 15 = 50 tigers
Reply:Try to make this as easy as possible. What are the key things to know?

1) The ratio of lions to tigers was 3:10.

2) There were 65 lions and tigers in a zoo.

Now, a ratio of lions to tigers being 3:10 means that there are 3 lions for every 10 tigers.

So, if there are a total of 13 animals, then 3 of them are lions, 10 are tigers. If there are a total of 65 lions and tigers in a zoo, what would the answer be?

L = Lions

T = Tigers

13 total zoo animals = L + T

13 total zoo animals = 3 lions + 10 tigers

5 ( 13 total zoo animals = 3 lions + 10 tigers)

5 (13 total zoo animals) = 5 (3 lions) + 5 (10 tigers)

65 total zoo animals = 15 lions + 50 tigers

Thus, there are 15 lions and 50 tigers in the zoo.

The key is, always add the number of lions to the number of tigers to find out how many total animals there would be in just one group of lions and tigers. Then, look at the total number of lions and tigers in the zoo and divide it by the smallest combination.

Here's another example. There are 192 apples and oranges in a bag. The ratio of apples to oranges is 4:8. How many of each were there?

Step 1: Find the total number of apples and oranges in just one set.

One set = 4 apples + 8 oranges = 12 pieces of fruit in the bag

Step 2: Find the number of apples and oranges in a bag with 192 pieces of fruit.

192 total pieces of fruit/ 12 pieces of fruit in one set

= 16 sets of apples and oranges.

Step 3: Multiply the total number of sets (16) by the number of apples (4) in one set to find the total number of apples. Do the same to find the total number of oranges.

One set = 4 apples + 8 oranges = 12 pieces of fruit in the bag

Total number of sets = 16

4 apples * 16 sets = 64 apples

4 oranges * 16 sets = 128 oranges

So, the basic method is, 1) ADD to find how big one set is, 2) DIVIDE total number of items by items in one set to find how many sets exist 3) MULTIPLY number of sets by the given number of each item listed in the problem.

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