Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What if grizzly bears,bengal tigers,anacondas introduced to Africa.How lion,hyaena,Nile Croc,etc will cope.?

Lions cope with tigers just fine. Tigers used to live in Africa but for some unknown reason went extinct. While there's no way to know how much the lions had to do with that, the fact, that the lions are still there and the tigers aren't, is suggestive. Also, the two species co-existed in the past in India and the lions seem to have been able to handle them. Although tigers are slightly larger than lions, and by some estimates a bit fiercer, all of this is more than balanced by the fact that lions hunt and fight in groups....

Grizzly bears would probably not do that well in Africa due to the year round heat. Granted, it gets quite hot in the Mountain West in the summer but it's only for a couple of months. I doubt their systems could stand tropical heat all the time.

I don't know how anacondas would stackup against the Nile Crocodile. Since there are local species of crocodilians in the Amazon region, my guess is the anacondas could handle them....

What if grizzly bears,bengal tigers,anacondas introduced to Africa.How lion,hyaena,Nile Croc,etc will cope.?
why would anyone do that? i imagine it would be a big mess.

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