Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Why dont humans hunt and eat animals raw like the real fox, lions, cheetas, pythons etc.?

If human are really carnivores? Why dont humans dare hunt down tigers and lions and eat them ??


Why dont humans hunt and eat animals raw like the real fox, lions, cheetas, pythons etc.?
Because it is cosmicly-rude to eat the brothers and sisters of your planet.

We are all evolving towards the more compassionate world of vegetarianism believe it or not.

Logic dictates that if eating meat were good for you your 'fox, lions, cheetas, pythons etc...' should be the 'creme de la creme' of meat dishes... but we know that it just aint so.

Think about this: look how muscular, graceful and peaceful are all the animal vegitarians (horses, elephants, etc..) and how stringy, oily, and tough the carnivores
Reply:You shouldn't compare Human beings with animals.........

then the questions may go on ,even if u find answer for this one.

for eg,animals dont brush their teeth,must we?

Reply:Man has been on the earth for quite some time and has LEARNED TO COOK ONLY FEW CENTURIES AGO.

Before learning to cook all humen were used to eat UNCOOKED meat of animals.

Besides above...........

Scientifically both plants and animals are having one basic unit common i.e. cell.

It's contents are remarkably common except few like chlorophyl, centrosome, plastids, vacuoles etc.These cell constitute the whole body of an animal or a plant.

Now basic difference being it's inability to create sound [ cry ] when broken /eaten /plucked, a plant or vegitable, can not make it eatable ethically and logically.

People eat vegitables just becoz they dont scream or cry. People drink milk which was actually meant for the calf and not for any other purpose. Where is their ethics ?

The only purpose of production of fruits in the plants is to propagate it's kind and not to feed humen beings.

Then why do we eat fruits ?

There may be a reason that blood of the killed animal makes them to have a guilty feeling, which is red and like ours becoz of hoemoglobin. But then the blood of plants, incidently not red, is as important as red blood.

We love to kill kockroaches just becoz they dont have red blood.

The canines are the teeth which are not found in Herbivorous animals. The fact that canines are present in humen beings make it clear that humen are Omnivorous as the God meant us to be.

Humen are having long and very peculiar kind of intestine meant for digesting both meat %26amp; vegitables. The intestine of herbivorous animals can not digest meat.

You can not feed meat to a sheep and grass to a lion. Can you ?

The vedas also tells us....


Meaning thereby that " To marry a girl in mother's side in the South, To eat meat in the North, Not performing full funeral in the West ARE NOT DOSH [ not wrong ]

A sin is simply religious observation and since God has himself made us omnivorous, it is not at all a sin to eat non-veg like it is not a sin to eat vegitables %26amp; fruits.

However for health point of view one should prefer vegitables though there are some protiens which can only be found in meat.
Reply:Humans are not carnivores, and hence are not equipped with teeth fot tearing raw flesh. They have molars too for chewing the food.
Reply:Same reason we don't wag our tails - we're not foxes, lions, cheetas, pythons etc. "Carnivore" doesn't mean "eats meat it killed itself raw", it means "eats mostly meat". Omnivores, like us, eat animals and plants, both.

Why do we not hunt everything ourselves? We never did - man is a scavenger by nature, not a hunter. At best, we were opportunistic hunters. Even our early ancestors, like Australopithecus, were mostly scavengers.

Why do we eat meat cooked? We don't eat all meat cooked (sushi, raw clams, steak tartare, etc.), but most of us prefer the taste of cooked meat (although some people like their steak so rare I wonder why they bother to walk it past the oven), and we can draw more nutrients out of cooked meat than we can out of raw meat.
Reply:There are a variety of humans out there but this one is a herbivore.
Reply:Have at it. I won't try to stop you. Good luck...you're going to need it.
Reply:Actually we're omnivores. Humans can't survive on meat alone, so they aren't carnivores.

You're wrong about calling humans carnivores. It's that simple.
Reply:Obviously you live in a city, and you have just watched a nature program, and you are vegetarian,

Grow up, there are all sorts of tribes and society were eating raw meat is common. They eat everything raw worms, birds, and fish.

But society has evolved, man found fire, it makes everything more tasty to cook it. Even you do not eat raw vegetables and rice. Look around read books or watch educational channels. When you post without doing your research you look like fool.
Reply:coz we have common sence given by god .technically speaking we have 6 sense
Reply:Humans are omnivores, not carnivores. We cook our meat because it is healthier to do that--it kills off worms and other contaminants found in raw meat.
Reply:We are smarter than the average bear so we heat our meat to kill nasty things that would kill us to ingest.
Reply:Humans are not carnivores. We adapted to incorporate more and more meat into our diets to support ever increasing intelligence. In turn, the intelligence allowed us better hunting and cooking techniques that required we put less energy into taking and consuming a kill. Why hunt a lean, camouflaged predator, when their are easier prey?
Reply:Well our teeth show that we can handle both meat and veg! Our predecessars probably did hunt and eat wild animals like the above before they realised that fire could not only be a source of heat but actually make raw meat taste nicer and there weren't as many people clutching their stomachs after eating!

Why should we go after the more feisty species when we have herds of docile cows, sheep, chickens, at our desposal!

The human race is at the very top of the food chain so we can pick and choose - we are able to choose the easier path when it comes to feeding! No doubt, in neanderthal times, one of our ancestors probably ended up in the belly of a big cat after trying to hunt a Lion - I would think that that would make others in his tribe sit up and take notice don't you.
Reply:If v do eat like the wild animals just the raw meat then seriously wats the difference between them and us???
Reply:The higher up th food chain one goes, the more toxins are in the flesh.

We are also the only animal that raises its prey (cows, sheep, etc.) and the only mammal that drinks milk cold. Technology isn't going anywhere.
Reply:Human are not carnivores, but there had been not sufficient food in many regions of the world. Even now, most of the Mogolians have to eat mutton, mutton, mutton...and rarely vegetables!

Yes, what is the joy of eating meat when nutricious vegetables will be produced and distributed abundantly on all over the world.

Reply:1. Humans are omnivores, not carnivores.

2. Carnivore meat tastes bad. That's why we don't eat things like lions or coyotes.

3. Some people do eat meat raw, including ocean fish (the most common) and even different red meats. This is very traditional in Inuit tribes, who eat things like raw seal and reindeer.

Reply:As to why we dont eat raw meat, it is because ever since fire was discovered and used, humans started cooking their food so they dont get some sort of sickness, which is possible from eating uncooked meat.
Reply:Humans are omnivores, not carnivores.

Cooked meat tastes better.

I eat bear every year, most of them I shoot myself.

Reply:We have sufficient food sources. There is no need to go and slaughter every living creature.

I'm surviving quite well and happily with my porterhouse steaks.
Reply:It's much easier these days to hunt a cow. With the invention of fire, there's no need to eat meat raw anymore, but if it makes you feel more carnivores, please feel free.
Reply:To eat raw meat requires teeth and a digestive system designed to do so. What happened here is that the human body evolved to be able to digest cooked food.

Some will argue that the reason for this is in fact a devolution of the human body. A weakening of it, and that's why it has to break down foods by cooking them before being consumed.
Reply:We used to, we are simply past the stage where we have to hunt, we can conveniently go to the store and buy raw meat and eat it raw if we'd like. We arent such primitive people anymore, we have moved to diffferent, not necessarily better social values.
Reply:well, agreed, we ARE omnivores, so to claim or criticize or label humans as "carnivores" is inaccurate. we're not.

but i think one of the key words in your question is "DARE."

we DO dare hunt all of those animals. some call it sport. in some cases, hunting them has been limited or outlawed because the same stupid humans sometimes don't understand that when you've killed ALL BUT THE LAST ONE of anything, you might as well kill the last one, too. because they ain't gonna reproduce and make any more targets for you, stupid!

in some societies, cultures and economic systems, it might be necessary to hunt some of those animals because it's a good return [food, energy] on the investment [time, danger, making weapons, etc.] that the hunter needs to exert.

in "civilized" economies, it's totally not worth the investment of time, energy or resources to hunt them because the advanced economic societies make abundant food available without having to track down and kill species like the ones you list. that gets back to the notion that those societies also have enough wealth that such hunting gets categorized as "sport" and not "subsistence."

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