Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lion vs Tiger - tell me what you think about my reasoning?

Lets talk Lions fighting Tigers one on one - forget social behaviour of a group for a sec.

Lions have mane and are taller - 4 feet. Tiger is 3 feet tall and has no mane. This is a key difference - Lions fore quarters are bigger and stronger and more adapted to fighting. Tigers hind legs are stronger and is more adapted to hunting. They have more leaping power. Tigers have 4 inch canines and Lions 3-3 1/2. This doesn't make a big difference in a fight unless able to get a throat bite, which the lion is more experienced in. This makes a difference only with pray. Their claw sizes are the same.

Lions have much more skills acquired for fighting. Tigers have more skills acquired for hunting. Lions are much more aggressive and willing to fight while tigers can be aggressive but are not as willing to fight. Tigers are bigger and heaviour on an average by 70 pounds if you compare largest of cats. African Lions and Bengal tigers weigh almost the same. Size could make a difference if its all muscle which is not always the case. Tigers have thicker hide which could contribute for weight. With the African heat, a lion has little fat in its body.

Facts aside, lets sit down for the real fight:

Female lioness vs Female tiger:

I think generally a female lioness is taller but smaller than a tigeress. Tigeress is gonna be apprehensive about the lionesses presense but not the lioness. In my opinion, lack of mane on the lioness and brute force of the tigress will give an edge to the tigress.

Prolonged fight can result in death but is highly unlikely. Both are likely to respect each other.

Male Lion vs Male Tiger:

Lion with stronger forequarters is taller and slightly smaller if its a Siberian tiger else almost the same and would be bigger if its any other kinda tiger. Tiger with its stronger hind legs, has instinct to stand up on its hind legs and unleash paw swipes. But the key in this fight is aggression. Male lion is far superior with fighting skills and is far more aggressive. Lion has stronger paw swipe but cannot stand as tall as a tiger. Sheer brute force from the Lion will give him the advantage in this fight.

In this fight, its unlikely that the fight would stop like with the females, and most likely will result in tigers death.

Having said all this, this fight would be between a real male African lion in its prime(4-5 year old) defending its kingdom and a bengal tiger in its prime of the similar age. Also, mind that there can be exceptions.

There are videos on the internet that are hugely biased and one has to remember that these are not real jungle cats. These are brought up in the zoo and lack many skills we talked above and would most likely not survive in the wild.

Lion vs Tiger - tell me what you think about my reasoning?
If you are talking about a Male Lion Against a Tiger the Tiger has a better chance of winning, but it truly depends on Weight and size of each.Tigers are the largest of all cats and most people think the exact opposite, thinking Lions are. Now Lioness do all the hunting while the male Lions are the ones who protect their families.

Lioness always work as a team and are very smart and strong.

But Tigers on the other hand hunt for themselfs alot of the time unlike the male Lion.

But check this out seeing you want to know the true facts


This is a ( LIGER ) a human breed of a Male Lion with a Female Tiger. Once you look at this picture you tell me who will win LOL ROFL%26gt;

A liger is a Mix between Lion Males and Female Tigers. They are the dominant.
Reply:AS they are closely related species, it would depend greatly on the individual age and experience of each cat. All things being about equal, I would give the nod to the tiger but by a very small margin. Report It

Reply:Sound reasoning and makes perfect sense. Both animals are very impressive and size and brute strength are not everything in a fight. The point of a Lion being used to fighting other large cats and in defense of its pride as well as the protection provided by the mane is a very valid point. Most likely though we will never know for sure, as that the two don't come in contact with each other in the wild. It is like saying that Nikolai Valuev (Boxing champ) could beat Rulon Gardner (olympic wrestler) or vice versa.
Reply:Your reasoning sounds good but many of the fact upon which you base it are dubious and you do not provide any documentation to support them.

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