Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tigers eyes???

Why do tigers and lions have round pupils? They are members of the cat family, and lions hunt a lot at night. Domestic cats and foxes have the slit shaped pupil, any answers greatly appreciated, thanks.

Tigers eyes???
Slit pupils are an adaptation used by animals with multifocal optical systems. I think it is still a bit of a mystery why some animals have evolved this way and others haven't. The link explains it better than I can.

It all comes down to their DNA.

Information. DNA is crammed pack full of information. Supposedly tipos, er Typoes are responsible for different PERFECT systems of eyes. Random genes or even nucleotides are "messed up" until a uniquely perfect NEW system is achieved. Thousands if not millions of precise changes must be made and they must ALL be made in order to achieve the new system. This is iether amayzing or imposoble. typos intended. Others would point to an intelligent designer since there is no other mechanism to add intelligent information. The big bang included NO information. The information in your DNA would reach to the sun and back many times. In book form, it would fill the grand canyon. "Who" or "what" supplied the new information with SUCH precision? Chance and time?

There are even more amazing eyes in the world of animals and they only work if fully interconnected and functioning OR pretty much kill off the parent.

Your question is why do they have this particular DNA and that is a very big question.

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